A Pair of Recent Maple History Presentations

In January 2020 I had the honor of being invited to the Vermont Maple Conference to make a couple of presentations on historical research I had conducted in the last few years. One presentation was a condensed version of the story of George C. Cary and the Cary Maple Sugar Company, which is the topic of my book Maple King: The Making of a Maple Syrup Empire. The second presentation was on new research I have completed for an article currently in review for publication in the journal Vermont History. This research traces the  early origins and development of the use of plastic tubing for gathering maple sap in the maple syrup industry.

University of Vermont Extension Maple Specialist Mark Isselhardt arranged to have the audio from both presentations recorded in association with the presentation slides and posted these on the UVM Extension Maple Website. You can click on the following presentation titles or the title slides here to link to the full audio/slide show for each one. Enjoy!

Presentation titled  – Vermont’s Maple King: The History of George C. Cary and the Cary Maple Sugar Company  – 42 minutes in length


Presentation titled History of the Origins and Development of Plastic Tubing in the Maple Syrup Industry – 50 minutes in length