About This Site

This site presents ideas, current research, and new sources of information related to the history of the production and use of maple syrup and maple sugar in North America. The purpose of this site is not to be the definitive account tracing the history of maple syrup and sugar, or telling the maple story, although at times it will share old and new contributions to maple history.  Rather, the focus is on the study and doing of maple syrup related history. The site will primarily feature topics and research of interest to the site’s creator, but on occassion the site may feature guest contributors.

This site is not the place to find answers to questions like “how do you make maple syrup”? It is assumed that if the reader was able to successfully use the internet to find this site they can also use it to answer their other maple syrup related questions.

Readers are encouraged to submit maple history related questions through the contact form below or by email to maplesyruphistory@gmail.com.