Past Issues of The Maple Syrup Digest


The North American Maple Syrup Council has been so good as to make available online a complete collection of past issues of the Maple Syrup Digest.

As the longest standing publication for the maple industry, this archive of past issues is a treasure trove of information on what was happening and important to the maple industry in the second half of the twentieth century.

Beginning with Volume 1, Number 1 published in January 1962, one can review industry and production reports, examine advertisements, and read commentaries that trace the trends and issues of previous years.  One can also follow through time new directions in research, changes in technology and equipment, and the ups and downs of marketing and policy.

For many a review of past issues of the digest may seem like a fairly recent walk down memory lane since many current maple producers were active during much of the era covered by these earlier issues. For others, these are a tightly dated, rich and detailed source of information on the maple industry’s more recent past.